The MULO logos - The Racer logo

We break the golden rule of branding here at MULO. We don't have one locked in logo - we have lots, and we're designing new ones all the time. Here is the story behind them.

The Racer Logo

MULO Racer logo

This was our first logo and the one that got us all excited and spurred on to do this thing (whatever it is). We call it The Racer and it evokes mid 60s Grand Prix racing with all its drama, danger and excitement - we love it.

It was designed by the legendary illustrator Adam Nickel and the way it came about was very fortuitous. Years ago we bought a framed print of, what we thought was, a vintage cartoon from an old magazine.

Adam Nickel Cartoon

We loved it's style and speculated as to the meaning of each frame. One day, after it had been hanging in our studio for ages, we decided to find out who the artists was. Turns out this wasn't vintage at all, it was designed by a young illustrator who lived around the corner!

When we discovered Adam's other work we became slightly obsessed and bought more prints including his classic monster on a bike.

Adam Nickel Monster on a bike

We kept in touch and then, when we needed a vintage inspired logo for MULO, we knew exactly who ask.

The finished design has been used on a range of MULO products, from keyrings and stickers to tee shirts and hats.

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